Second-Life of Used EV Batteries: 5 Bottlenecks

5 bottlenecks to battery 2nd life

Maximizing the second life of battery energy storage systems is crucial for the long-term viability and commercial success of the clean energy transition ecosystem. Developing advanced technologies & control systems, ensuring stability in the supply chain, and addressing safety considerations are key actions to break through the bottlenecks.

Revolutionizing Energy Transition Asset Trade

Battery Buyback & Materials Exchange

In the dynamic landscape of the clean energy transition, where the demand for sustainable solutions is rapidly escalating in a race against the depletion of finite resources, transparency and traceability play pivotal roles in the long-term viability of the entire ecosystem. At LOHUM, we are committed to reshaping the battery industry via a transformative platform to benefit all stakeholders.
Introducing the Delhi Energy Transition Exchange™, or DETX™, a battery buyback platform and battery materials exchange thoughtfully designed to revolutionize the way we trade energy transition ecosystem assets.

Infinite Recyclability of Batteries

Raw Battery Materials: Infinite Recyclability

We sat down with Gazanfar Safvi, Head of Recycling & Chemicals at LOHUM, to answer “Are battery raw materials really infinitely recyclable? If so, how is that possible?” and “Does recycling battery produce materials as good as virgin mined materials?”, delve into the viability of battery material recycling, and explore the potential of recycled materials compared to newly mined ones in this exclusive read.

Circular Economy: Realists’ Utopia

Nature's Circular Economy: Global Energy Transition

By taking inspiration from nature and adopting a circular economy approach, we can create a clean and green planet by reducing waste, conserving resources, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and augmenting the natural processes that regulate ecological cycles. Everyone from individuals to corporations and governments can contribute in the efforts towards the creation of a realists’ utopia on Earth. We hope that this overview has inspired you, and reminded you that you can make a difference, no matter where or who you are. Stay tuned to the Lohum blog for more sustainability, battery energy, circular economy, recycling and repurposing
Together, let’s make circular economy the new normal!

Battery recycling insights and impactful work of LOHUM.

Battery recycling insights and impactful work of LOHUM.

Powering next-gen li-ion battery mobility and energy solutions, making second lives for batteries a reality through reuse technology, and lithium ion battery recycling Lohum is proving to be a gamechanger in the battery recycling and repurposing space. Rajat Verma, CEO & Founder, Lohum, offers insights into the battery recycling industry, providing an overview into the industry while shedding light on the work being undertaken by Lohum.